Monday, April 26, 2010

Sand And Stone

 Sorry stuck with virus on my system couldn't post anything :(

Anyways here is a beautiful article that describes how things should be taken in life and what to write on sand and stone based on the situations that we face in our lives.

Listen to the story about Sand and Stone...!!!

This is a story about 2 friends who were walking through a forest.

At one particular point the two got into an argument and one friend hit the other in the face.The one who was hit was hurt, but without any word he wrote in the sand: 

‘Today my best friend hit me in my face.’
They walked on until they found an oasis where they decided to have a bath.

The one who had been hit got stuck in the mud and was drowning but the friend saved him
When he came to, he carved in a stone:

‘Today my best friend saved my life’

The friend who had hit his best friend then saved him asked:

‘After I hit you you wrote this in the sand and now you carved in the stone that I saved you, why did you do this?’
The other friend answered:

‘When someone hurts us we must write it in the sand where the wind of forgiveness can blow it away’

Learn to write the hurt in the sand and carve your good experiences on stone.